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Values and Principles

British society is founded on fundamental values and principles which all those living in the UK should respect and support. These values are reflected in the responsibilities, rights and privileges of being a British citizen or permanent resident of the UK. They are based on history and traditions and are protected by law, customs and expectations. There is no place in British society for extremism or intolerance.

The fundamental principles of British life include:
  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
  • Participation in community life.
  • As part of the citizenship ceremony, new citizens pledge to uphold these values.
The pledge is:

‘I will give my loyalty to the United Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfil my duties and obligations as a British citizen.’

Folowing from the fundamental principles are responsibilities and freedoms which are shared by all those living in the UK and which we expect all residents to respect.

Becoming a permanent resident

If you wish to be a permanent resident or citizen of the UK, you should:

  • Respect and obey the law
  • Respect the rights of others, including their right to their own opinions
  • Treat others with fairness
  • Look after yourself and your family
  • Look after the area in which you live and the environment.

In return, the UK offers:

  • Freedom of belief and religion
  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom from unfair discrimination
  • A right to a fair trial
  • A right to join in the election of a government.

To apply to become a permanent resident or citizen of the UK, you will need to:

  • Speak and read English
  • Have a good understanding of life in the UK

This means you will need to:

  • Pass the Life in the UK test


  • Produce acceptable evidence of speaking and listening skills in English at B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference. This is equivalent to ESOL Entry Level 3. You can demonstrate your knowledge of English by having a recognised English test qualification from an approved test centre. For further details on how to demonstrate evidence of the required level of speaking and listening skills in English, please visit the Home Office website.

It is possible that the requirements may change in the future. You should check the information on the Home Office website for current requirements before applying for settlement or citizenship.

check that you understand
  • The origin of the values underlying British society
  • The fundamental principles of British life
  • The responsibilities and freedoms which come with permanent residence
  • The process of becoming a permanent resident or citizen.


This quiz will test your knowledge of fundamental values you must uphold to become a permanent residents or naturalized citizen of the UK. It covers aspects like language proficiency, freedom of speech, adherence to laws, participation in community life, responsibilities, and respect for others' rights and opinions.

During the quiz, correct answers will be provided with explanations to reinforce understanding.

Click 'Start Quiz' when you are ready

20 Questions
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